Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Battle Between Me & Pew Wee Continues

It is incredible to me how everything that God created has a purpose, a plan and the instinct to survive. Skunks are here for a reason. I just don't know what that reason could possibly be! Just like clockwork, there they were again at 4am Tuesday.
This time they were surprised by a large wooden frame I had placed in front of the trellis and up over the siding. I could tell they were puzzled and for sometime they displayed their anger by further spraying the area and the stench is what actually woke me up. BUT in visiting the scene of the crime, I noticed they had found a way to still get up under the frame and had actually dug a pretty deep hole, so its ON TO PLAN B (imagine that being said with an echo affect-hahaha). In speaking to a Home Depot rep, he highly recommended pouring vinegar around the area and then distributing moth balls along the perimeter of the house. I can hardly WAIT for them to come to see my next move. I'll keep you posted....The Bible says, "Count it all joy." smile

1 comment:

Lu said...

That's terrible... but I also heard that they don't like moth balls...I'll have to remember the vinegar this summer when they usually stink-up my yard. I think they target the front of my house on purpose. keep us posted!
