Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Take a Moment to Enjoy Your View....

Usually as I am feeding Mom and checking my online class site in the morning, The View television show is on. Certain aspects of the show intrigue me, other times the info goes in one ear and out the other because I do not have time to concentrate on it. Mom seems to enjoy it and that is important. But one thing that encourages me to take pause is when the show reaches the end and Whoopi Goldberg says, "Take the time to enjoy your view." It makes me think of my Dad who always told me not to get too busy to stop during some portion of each day to give thanks to the Lord and to enjoy taking a look at the beautiful nature He provides us. Dad loved to point out the variety of birds that came into our yard and would pull out bird reference books so I could learn how to identify them. He loved planting flowers and made sure I knew the difference between a Snap Dragon, Begonia and Lilac. He was such a dear person and though he has been gone 29 years, I feel he is walking right with me as I care for my Mom, cut the grass or share similar information with my children. It is interesting how a sentence, a song, a smell can trigger beautiful memories. Put all anxiety aside right now, and take a moment to enjoy YOUR view.

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