Sunday, July 24, 2011


We all know the Great Commission:

1) Love the Lord with ALL OUR HEARTS... and
2) Love thy neighbor

I have heard this tons of times. In VA my neighbors were very interactive. There were 50 homes on the street and we all knew each other, each other's children, we pretty much all knew where the "hidden" key was, it was kind of like a commune...ergo the root of 'community'. "The times they are a changin," as Dylan so eloquently put it. But today, as Pastor Mike spoke, I felt a desperate need to connect with my neighbors here in Garfield soooooo I am going to pray and put the spirit of hospitality that God has given me to work and I will let you know what He brings to me to do AND what the reaction/outcome turns out to be.

I love people and over the years I have walked the neighborhoods I have lived in (thank you Pastor Ahlemann for that teaching some 20 yrs ago) and prayed for my neighbors whether I knew them or not.  Though I was born and raised in the neighborhood where I care for my Mom right now, those I grew up with have either moved on or passed on and though I wave occasionally to my current neighbors, I don' know them and they don't know me. I desperately feel compelled to do more. Stay tuned....

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