Monday, July 27, 2009

Summer is Going By Way, Way, Too Fast.....

My children and I really enjoy traveling. Usually some portion of the summer is spent at amusement parks in OH, visiting my daughter and my friends in VA and laying on the beach at Ocean City, MD. This year has been a bit different and I can't quite figure out why. Is it because the "children" are older? This is the first year I had a week with no children and I went someplace I had never been before...San Diego! It was an amazing time. Mom was safe and well cared for. Micah went to VA with Shae and Beranda has worked hard the entire summer so we have hardly seen her at all. School begins so early. When I was in school, it started AFTER the Labor Day Holiday and I wish that was the case today. Soon Micah will be a grownup. I want to spend every moment I can with him. So we are off to Family Camp this week and from there, God-willing, we are off to Chicago. I have never been there either! And maybe, just maybe before school begins I will get the opportunity, once again, to inhale that wonderful salt water, see the beautiful blue water and crashing waves, hear the sea gulls calling out to each other along with the loving laughter of my children. God always makes a way. Enjoy the time you have left.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i totally agree and i love what you wrote. i do not live in the same city with any of my daughters anymore and i miss them dearly. i am learning to live a new life without them underfoot, but i have years of great memories when august meant winding down and getting ready for school. now i still operate like my life revolves around the school-year. it's a hard habit to break. one great thing now is that i have even MORE time to commune with God each and every day without "motherhood" you, turiya