Thursday, March 14, 2013

Jim Leverenz - So Long For Now Dear Friend

Bless his heart and may he rest in peace
A dear man that was sincere and sweet
LOVED his family and all of his friends
One of those that are true blue to the bitter end

Congestive heart failure plagued him at times
But one rarely heard a complaint he'd say, "I'm fine"
Truly loved God and shared the word with others
Embraced my children and me as a single mother

Oh how he enjoyed eating out and grocery deals
He knew his way around the kitchen & prepared great meals
Jim loved baseball, TV, and Internet video games
Now that he is gone, life won't be the same

But thanks to our Loving Father in Heaven above
I am greatful for knowing someone that truly loved
He made the most of every single day
And I wish him God speed as he travels a Heavenly way

He also loved choirs and I hope he now hears
The angels singing his favorites the closer he draws near
I will miss you Dear Friend but I must truly say
I look forward to seeing you again in the hereafter some day

Say, "Hello" to my sweet father and my loving mother-dear
You were so kind to visit her & I believe she knew you were near
But now you all are together and can celebrate new life stress free
For you are in the arms of  the Precious One, Jesus, &  there's no other place I'd rather be


Ken said...

Thank you for your kind words :)

Jim was my "uncle" and a good and decent man. Im glad to know he had a positive influence on other peoples lives :)

A Dee Awakening (formerly Dar Loves the Mom Squad) said...

Dear Ken,

I think of and pray for your family often as I know you are feeling the void even more than my family is and Jim meant so much to us. I met his lovely niece at the service and saw several of you there. Jim always talked about each of the children, the accomplishments, showed me pictures, etc. that he kept on his mirror or on the dresser. Just an extraordinary man. He had just called my youngest daughter 2 weeks prior to passing to tell her he was going to come to take her out to lunch at Beachwood Place where she works. With his birthday near, I had to post something on his Facebook too. Be well and draw happiness from all of the wonderful memories. Blessings to you and your family.