Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Chonda Pierce Spoke Candidly and Made Us Think

As mentioned in my Mom Squad Post, there were laughter and tears shared between Chonda and the audience during her performance.
(themomsquad@955thefish.com, May 23) It touched my heart to hear her speak of the dynamic of a parent and child, when a parent never feels your accomplishments are enough, but you love them anyway. Thank you Jesus for helping us to know in YOU, we are more than enough for it is not about our accoplishments, but our hearts. How sometimes, we as Christians can be so judgmental rather than empathetic when addressing issues like depression. Some feel those suffering with depression don't need medication but need to pray more. Her answer to that was, "Take off your glasses and let's see you drive home." Funny, but thought provoking. She discussed why some of us as Christians find it necessary to show hatred toward those living a different lifestyle instead of showing them the love of Christ in speaking of meeting comedian, Wanda Sykes. The judgment should come from God...Christ asks us NOT to judge. Why can't we as Christians be more loving and understanding? She spoke of how depression can frighten our loved ones at times and cause division. Satan loves to cause division. We must be mindful of his traps. The pain of mental and psychological disorders can create long suffering. She spoke of the opportunity God gave her, "just a little girl on the second pew", to explain John 3:16 to her Jewish manager that saw the numbers on a calandar in a Christian book store and thought it referred to a Christian holiday of sorts. How beautiful it is that God can and will use each one of us, if we let Him, to plant a seed so those that don't know the wonderful saving power of the blood shed on Calvary, can come to know Jesus Christ, so they too can be saved. God has given Chonda Pierce many talents (what a BEAUTIFUL singing voice) but what's even more amazing is her loving and appreciative heart for our Lord and for people...all people. It was such a pleasure to spend time with her. Bless you Chonda! Thanks for giving it to us straight.

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