Saturday, December 18, 2010

Just finished telling someone to embrace their BIG "BUT"

Now you would have to have been at The Mom Squad Christmas Celebration in order to understand what I am speaking of, but Donna VanLiere's message truly touched me. If you weren't there, hope to see you next time. You truly missed a powerful time in Christ. If you were there, then you know what I am referring to. Even as Danita Harris of Channel 5 News put it as our very first guest speaker years ago, our situation may look grim, "Oh BUT God...." He is the author and the finisher. So let's keep encouraging each other and remembering that we may be out of a job, BUT.....he cheated on me, BUT....I feel lonely, BUT. The BIG BUT covers it all because God covers it all. Thank you Lord for reminding us to keep our eyes upon Jesus and not on our circumstances. Sometimes when I ask one of my children for help they respond, in a little hip hop fashion, "I gotchu Mommy." They are so happy whenever they are able to help me or give me the confidence to know they have my back so to speak. Well, we can truly depend upon God all the time. We can trust Him, no matter what. Thank you Donna for blessing us with your godly wisdom.

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