Friday, August 20, 2010

Shae Is About To Hit A Milestone!

God has blessed me with 3 extraordinary children and my oldest Shae has a birthday coming up August 21. She is such a special young lady and she wrote me the most marvelous e-mail in which she asked me to think back to when I was her age, and to write a letter to myself utilizing the wisdom I have gained at this point, to encourage and direct my younger self. In that, Shae would actually be the recipient of these "pearls of wisdom" and from there, hopefully, she will carry-on with a deeper insight. Others have done this in the past and have compiled their letters in a book entitled, What I Know Now, Letter to my Younger Self . Believe me, it was a marvelous exercise! As I began writing, I found myself holding my breath, then feeling a knot in my stomach midway, but upon conclusion a deep cleansing breath took hold. In the release of that breath I felt a freedom or satisfaction in knowing that I had, by the grace of God, come through some very difficult times. He was with me through everyone just as He said He would be and each situation increased my faith, developed my strength and gave me a deeper knowledge of self that uplifts me and makes me resilient. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FIRST BORN! I thank God so much for you and all the wisdom that you already have and have shared with me. Bless you baby. Keep shining...


Shae said...

mommy, you are the greatest mom and friend a girl could have. thank you

A Dee Awakening (formerly Dar Loves the Mom Squad) said...

Awww you're the greatest daughter. Can hardly wait to see you for Christmas. Love u.