You know, I have always believed that as we pray and quiet ourselves, God does communicate with us. Many times I have heard people say that God did not answer their prayers. He ALWAYS answers our prayers but I think sometimes we don't recognize the answer, because it may be different from what we expected but His will is always best along with His timing.
Over the years, I have really been concerned about the condition of my Mom's property. It needed a lot of help. Dad passed 28 years ago and Mom pretty much had used the band aid approach to keep things going. I prayed a lot of prayers, walked the property, did all of the mowing, trimming, edging, trash removal and other repairs that I could but so much more needed to be done.
About 2 weeks ago, I truly heard/felt, whatever you wish to call it, God communicating to me and He said, "Darlene, clean the house. I am going to send you a gift." I clean regularly but truly strategic cleaning like drawers, cabinets, scrubbing walls, cleaning carpets, replacing some carpets, etc. I had not thoroughly done. He lit a spark under me (reminding me of the "nesting" syndrome during pregnancy...if you have ever had it, you will know exactly what I am talking about). He showed me things I needed to attend to. Things I saw everyday but it was like He showed them to me with new eyes and it was amazing how each effort made quite a difference. Then my sister, sent 2 gentlemen over that worked like Hebrew slaves to further do what I couldn't do AND basically took on the effort as a labor of love. I began to cry so many happy tears and praising God more and more for His faithfulness, my sister and these 2 angels, but there's more....
In the midst of all this, I felt Him telling me it was time for my Mom to come back to our home in Garfield. She had a difficult time a few months ago. I began living with her in a facility, then switched her to another facility near my sister but they would not allow me to live there. It was His way of giving me a much needed break. For the first time in 5 years I was feeling rundown...almost lifeless. But now, 2 months later, this new facility was telling me they had taken Mom as far as they could. I felt, in that regard, there was no reason for her to remain there. The only difference in her condition now opposed to before her difficult time, is that she is now on pureed foods, she no longer walks independently so I knew I was going to need some regular help. And low and behold, at the Women Of Faith Conference just prior to my revelation, I met a Hospice Nurse named Renee Thompson who said to me, "Hospice breathes life, it does not speak death." I immediately asked her if that was their slogan and she said that was just how she felt about it. Well, her outlook gave me a brand new outlook regarding Hospice. I mean we are all going to die one day but Mom reminds me of someone God is not finished with yet. Her skin glows, her smile is so sweet and comforting, she still has uplifting motherly things to say at times and she is strong as an ox. I just want whatever time we have together to be comfortable and pleasant for her.
The following week I was at the library and there was a Hospice poster on the bulletin board, I knew then that I truly needed to call them to find out more about this organization. I left a message on Sunday for Hospice, scheduled a Care meeting with Mom's facility on Monday and immediately after, a Hospice coordinator called me (Cindy) and with the most pleasant demeanor she said, "Darlene, you need to schedule a Care meeting with your Mom's facility." I informed her that I had just done that and she said these words and I will never forget the feeling of comfort that came over me. She said, "We'll be with you tomorrow. You now have a team that will be with you for as long as you need us." I must tell you, embarrassing as it is, that as she was on the phone, I immediately began to cry.
Once we met at the facility and all of the bases were covered and all of the "i's" were dotted and the "t's" were crossed, they gave me a folder. I did not have time to read it until I got to church for Bible Study that evening. I was early so I began to review the folder and then I saw these words....
"You are giving your loved one a beautiful and sensitive 'gift'.
And in giving that 'gift', you are giving yourself a wonderful
'gift' as well."
God told me to clean my house because He was sending me a 'gift'. He was telling me to get prepared for the comings and goings of people that He put in place to help us. I did not understand at the time, but I am so grateful for His wisdom, His mercy, His grace, His love. He takes care of His children. All we have to do is trust Him and wait upon Him. Glory to God. He took a situation that seemed insurmountable in many ways and once again showed me that He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Great I AM, No problem is too great for Him to handle. He has a plan for me AND a plan for my Mom and He is working on each of our behalf's simply because we are His children and He loves us. If you trust Him, He will take care of the consequences, don't ever forget that. And THAT my friend is a very special gift in itself. Bless you and yours. AND BY THE WAY, IF YOU WOULD LIKE MORE INFO ON THIS MARVELOUS ORGANIZATION SO YOU CAN GET A COMPLETE PICTURE OF ALL THEY OFFER, PLEASE CALL: Crossroads Hospice in Cleveland & NEO, 216.654.9300. Ask for Cindy Hackett, Admission Coodinator.
Hospice truly is an amazing benefit, and Crossroads Hospice has the privelege of caring for Darlene's precious mother, and caring for Darlene and her family as well. The community needs to be aware of this awesome Medicare Hospice Benefit,that there is no financial obligation to the family or the patient. We at Crossroads Hospice so strongly believe in quality of care for our hospice patients that even if there is no insurance, we will provide this service free of charge.
Cindy Hackett
Admissions Coordinator
Crossroads Hospice
This brought tears to my eyes. It is so heartwarming, and a testimony of God's glory. Amen
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