Monday, June 9, 2008

Life Is Precious...Life is Sweet

For those of you that haven't heard, (see The Mom Squad Forum - Prayer Request Folder) a very unfortunate incident took place this past Saturday and it really made me realize, even more than ever, just how precious life is. But it also made me realize once again, just how precious it is to have Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We can be here one second...and gone the next. Do you know Him? If not, I truly and sincerely invite you to take a moment and ask Jesus to come into your heart right now. He is always waiting for us. The Heavenly Father never said we wouldn't have difficult times, but HE PROMISES TO BRING US THROUGH EVERY SINGLE ONE. I know Him. I trust Him and I thank Him for yet again, seeing me through...lifting me up...As I continue to pray for the gentleman that lost his life and his family and friends, a portion of my prayer is that they be comforted by the Holy Spirit and that any that haven't had a personal relationship with Christ up to this point, will turn to Him at this time. I've heard so often of trucks and cars running into motorcyclists but this is the first time I have ever knowm of a cyclist running into the back of a vehicle. I lost my cousin Mitchell in a motorcycle accident 40 years ago. Please take more care and slow down cyclists everywhere. Though I did not know this gentleman, I grieve his loss. Bless you one and all.

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