Last week I noticed a couple of times that when I entered Mom's livingroom, the television was off. I thought, "Hmmm, she must be getting tired of watching it and is now remembering how to turn it off."
There are days like that with Alzheimer's victims. One day they may not remember how to wash their face and the next day, you might find them handling complete body care and getting dressed. I try not to be overbearing. I watch to see what she remembers and what she doesn't and from there step in to help where needed. I always make sure to lay jewelry out for her because that is something she liked to wear daily before the Alzheimer's. Some days the jewelry goes right on...other days she will hold up the earrings and ask "What are these?" Anyhooo, yesterday I realized her television is on the fritz. I checked to make sure the sleep timer was off, so that is not the problem. It shuts off sometimes every 5 minutes and other times it shuts off after several hours. Her 92 birthday is April 8 so I think a new television would make the perfect gift! I'll send out the good old family e-mail to see if anyone is interested in chipping in. Enjoy today's beautiful sunshine my friends! Let me know if you know of any great electronic sales.
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