Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Isn't It Odd That We Hold On To Certain Things

I have had the same automobile insurance for 20 years. In 20 years, I basically never used this insurance. I received a ticket last year, which I did not feel I deserved but in talking with the officer, she said...your word against mine...coming to court is an all day process.. With the care of Mom it is difficult sometimes to get away for long periods so I paid the ticket. Little did I know (now mind you I have been driving for 40 years and by the grace of God I have NEVER had an accident and maybe only received 5 tickets including parking situations in my whole life) this ticket counted against my driving record. Well, I get a notice from my wonderful insurance company that due to my ticket, they are going to have to raise my rate, increasing my monthly payment $50. I was truly hurt and I wrote a letter but you know, it forced me to truly examine other companies out there and almost everyone offered me a lower rate. It feels like a relationship breakup. hahaha But I am pretty sure I am switching. I have until the 20th to decide. Whenever something like this happens, more and more I look for the silver lining. It could be God's way of forcing me to examine my options and move on. Next, bundling my cable, telephone and high speed Internet service. The deals sound phenomenal so onward and upward!

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