Friday, February 8, 2008

Experience a New Way of Waking Up

Some people hop out of bed in the morning raring to go. Others can be groggy and get up with an unwillingness to start the day. I've been doing something a bit different lately and I must admit I feel better for taking the uninterrupted time with myself AND for myself. Some of these suggestions are a combination of things I have read about lately and seen on television; some I already did but together, I feel they make the complete package. All in all give yourself about 10 minutes....longer if you desire.

1. Take a moment to greet God. Thank Him for your rest and whatever else comes to mind. Discuss any concerns with Him and by all means commit the day to Him. As the Bible teaches us, His yoke is easy and burdens are light. So attach yourself fully to Him and lay all burdens down at His feet right there from your bed before your feet even touch the floor. No problem is too big for God! Ask Him to prioritize your day. You'll be surprised at the results.

2. Take several deep cleansing breaths. Inhale through the nose (produces niacin I believe, which we need) and exhale through the mouth.

3. Do the "Ooooommmm" chant a few times. This opens up and helps to clear the sinuses.

4. Stretch, in the bed and again once you stand up. Deep breathing coupled with stretching does wonders for your body.

5. Hug yourself (I love hearing my aqua aerobics instructor, Estella, say this). You deserve it. Remind yourself how important you are to YOU. Give all extremities that you can reach a tiny massage. Then reach behind you and with your fists, GENTLY pound the kidney area. Dr. Bob from Cleveland Clinic indicated on Oprah that this increases the blood flow there and helps them to function more effectively.

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